10 Pearls of Parenting Wisdom

Seeing as my baby survived his first year with me as one of his mothers I figure that qualifies me to share a little of the parenting wisdom I’ve garnered over the last year.

  1. Clean up oatmeal immediately but leave spaghetti bolognese to dry.
  2. A cardboard box or a set of keys is infinitely more entertaining than an actual toy (and cheaper.
  3. Always have a muslin cloth within arms reach.
  4. With a young baby a burp is rarely just a burp. On a similar vein a fart is rarely just a fart.
  5. Food will either be eaten, hidden or dropped on the floor when your back is turned. Whatever happens it is a lot less stressful if you’re not watching.
  6. In a month you probably wont remember the worry which is keeping you awake tonight.
  7.  Baby grows with envelope necks can be pulled down over their bodies in the event of a poonami.
  8. Pull-up nappies can be torn open at the sides.
  9. Two nappies is probably not enough.
  10. A change of top for yourself as well as the baby isn’t a bad idea.

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Have you got any parenting wisdom you’d like to share?


Let's Talk Mommy

24 thoughts on “10 Pearls of Parenting Wisdom

  1. Great advice hunny. haha Funny what we learn and how to be quick and prepared for anything after a year of wrestling a baby/toddler. lol I wonder what our wisdom will be like when they turn 18. haha We shall see together. Thank you ever so much for linking up to Share With Me. I hope to see you again soon. I apologize for my late commenting, just catching up on a hectic week. I appreciate all the blog support. Look forward to reading more of your SWM link ups. #sharewithme


    • Wow, you did well. We had a period where I swear it was almost every day. Might have said more about my nappy changing skills than anything else though.


  2. I didn’t realise about the baby grows until I read it on one of the parenting blogs a few months ago. Fat lot of help that is now! She’s 12 in a few weeks!

    Excellent tips. Mine … There is no pain like treading on Lego in your bare feet. Ouchy! #sharewithme


  3. Yep, these are definitely true. I worked out pretty early about being able to pull down the envelope shouldered baby grows, but I only found out much later that it was a deliberate design feature. I just thought it was a bit of an oddity I was exploiting! #sharewithme


    • Haha. Yeah, I just thought they looked weird. When I got pregnant my midwife gave me a stack of reading materials but there was definitely nothing about that in there. Would have been much more useful than most of the stuff I read.


  4. I didn’t know about the baby gro pull-down feature until my THIRD CHILD! How did I miss that? I have no idea. There were a few times that I cut the baby gro off after a poonami. lol A change of clothing for yourself is a great idea – especially if you are attending a special event. Learned that one the hard way. #ShareWithME x


  5. A baby wipe can be a face, bum, hands, make up remover, sink cleaner, floor cleaner, me cleaner (!), tissue….in fact I’m sending a baby wipe to tesco to do my food shop next week 🙂 xx


  6. Haha fabulous as always!!!
    The change of top for you as well as baby is definitely priceless and two nappies definitely isn’t enough you’re so right!!
    Weetabix definitely has to come in oatmeal category too…they both turn harder than concrete when dry, whether that’s on baby, table, floor or bowl!


  7. Great words of wisdom! Especially the part about oatmeal and spaghetti! I didn’t find out about being able to pull baby grows down if they had that neck until it was too late.. At least if there is a next time I’ll be properly prepared! #TwinklyTuesday


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