A Child’s Selective Hearing

One of my biggest bug bears at school is having to repeat myself 27 times to a group of 12 children. I teach from children aged 3-12 and this issue is a problem at all levels. I do my best to make sure everyone is quiet and paying attention but still only a handful follow my instructions of the first time.

I’ve noticed the Baby has started this too. I am trying really hard to only say his name once and wait for him to look, rather than the ‘Baby?Baby?BabybabybabybabybabyBABY!’ trap I’m tempted to fall into. It’s hard though.

To save my sanity and lower my blood pressure I am going to employ a new tactic to get kids attention.

class ignoring teacher

class ignoring teacher 2

Any slightly more sensible solutions are welcome in the comments below 🙂

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30 thoughts on “A Child’s Selective Hearing

  1. Sounds like a good plan to me 🙂 As they get older you can enforce that you will only say once or something will happen. That doesn’t work with babies lol #sharewithme x


  2. Kids are born with selective hearing I swear. My two have it really bad sometimes and I know they can hear me hahaha Thank you ever so much for linking up to Share With Me. I hope to see you again soon. I apologize for my late commenting, just catching up on a hectic week. I appreciate all the blog support. Look forward to reading more of your SWM link ups. #sharewithme


  3. Haha, this made me giggle. My daughter is the same, terrible with listening. Might have to apply your tactis and see how we get on, hehe. So far, counting down to three in a serious voice always works (though, admittedly, I don’t know what I do on the count of three if she ever stops listening, never thought that far!). 🙂 x


  4. Oooh be careful of that one. I get absolute hysterics now if I ask the chocolate question and don’t deliver. Bad times. My way is to keep repeating the name getting louder and louder and faster and faster until Gremmo finally looks at me and we always laugh afterwards. Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst chick and see you next time. Ps a flipping New look ad popped up under your post. I will blame you when I am bankrupt xxx


    • Haha, cookies at work. I’ve got no control over the ads, sorry. Sue wordpress. I can picture the looks if that’s how you get the gremlin’s attention when you’re out and about. xx


  5. Haha I bet your class would hang onto your every word if with the promise of chocolate! Emma has selective hearing too so I tend to coax her with food or dummies. Food somehow always works lol #sharewithme


  6. I have never mastered the art of getting their attention first (second or third) time, so will be interested to see what people suggest to you. #bestandworst


  7. Haha love your tactic. I find the threat of the naughty step works with my toddler – that certainly makes her pay attention, babies are a lost cause and children…well chocolate sounds a good as carrot as any haha #bestandworst


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