Bidding Farewell to a Member of Our Family

Many years ago when my broodiness threatened to overwhelm me but we were not ready for a child, I convinced the Mummy to let me get a dog.

And so sthe Dog arrived. A ridiculously cute ball of fluff who quickly became our little fur baby. She is not without her faults. It took us slightly over 6 months (!) to get teach her the difference between her bathroom (the garden) and our house. She was plagued with skin problems which led to many vets visits and eventually an expensive diet and medication. But we loved her….most of the time.

We were a little worried about how she was cope with the introduction of the Baby, and being relegated back to the role of dog. Thankfully she took to her new role without issue and quickly discovered the delights of baby licking, yummy baby vomit, fun stinky smells and food on the floor from our adventures with weaning.

When we decided we were going to move to Europe from Thailand I investigated the costs and procedure of taking her with us and realized that, regrettably at around 2000 euros it was going well outwith our tight budget.

Today a friend of a friend is coming to meet the Dog and may well take her home to live with them.

Both the Mummy and I are upset but I feel most for the baby. No more partner in crime.

things to do with food other than eat it-page-001-1

birthday party-page-001

baby cry 5-page-001

baby cuss 1

tissue snack

messy food

baby lick dog

dog eat poop

Goodbye Dog. We will all miss you xxx


11 thoughts on “Bidding Farewell to a Member of Our Family

  1. Ah, I’m so sorry to hear this! It’s too bad that it’s so ridiculously costly to bring your dog into the UK. Is there months of quarantine involved too? If so, doggie is better off not going through that – it’s really awful for them. I hope you can get a new doggie for baby to enjoy in Europe. Love all the drawings – they had a great time together!! x


  2. Doggone it! You will be missed, pup, but may your new home be full of love, toilet paper, and other tasty, tasty, treats. I wager it’ll be at least a few months before the Mama and the Mummy stop seeing poohills on the floor and wishing you were there to help them clean ’em up.


    • Haha, yeah, she has gone off with some lovely people. Pretty glad she wasn’t here for the poohills. She enjoys the odd fresh cat turd- not nice when it gets mushed into her long beard.


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