Is a Relaxing Holiday with a Toddler Possible?

As I’ve been working hard, scraping cash together for our big move I decided what I needed was a reward. So we decided to spend a chunk of the money. As you do.

The beaches in Thailand are unrivaled by any I’ve experienced anywhere else in the world so far. I want to make the most of them while I’m here and relax a little while I’m at it. So what better than a short trip to one of our favorite spots, Railay beach in Krabi?

In six weeks all this hard work will be worth it as I am able to sink my toes into the sand, lie in the sun and wallow in the warm, shallow water for a few days. It will be so peaceful and relaxing…


(For three nights)

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Hmm, perhaps I didn’t think this through…..

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24 thoughts on “Is a Relaxing Holiday with a Toddler Possible?

  1. Ha ha ha!! I have absolutely NO idea why we try to view holidays as holidays when we have young kids. It’s actually harder than being at home!


  2. I’m sure it’ll be fabulous and you’ll have a great time. And, if I’m wrong you’ll have amazing copy. (So sad that suddenly major life events are considered in terms of whether or not they’ll make a good blog post!) Hope it all goes well. #brilliantblogposts


  3. Funny how your mind blanks out the kids and imagines holidays as they used to be, isn’t it? Oh well. It’ll still be fun, just in a baby-eating-sand-and-looking-like-he’s-been-breadcrumbed-ala-chick-kiev kind of way. (Think of the blog material you’ll amass!)


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