This is 30.

For me being 30 is…..

  • taking 2+ days to recover from a hangover.
  • boobs that are now closer to your waist than your neck.
  • being unable to wallow in sickness as a toddler needs you to read to him RIGHT NOW!
  • scrimping and saving and still barely making ends meet.
  • feeling tired regardless of how much sleep you get.
  • wondering why you still don’t feel like a grown up.
  • thinking a night out which begins after 8pm is madness.
  • preferring quiet pubs to noisy clubs.
  • opting for a quiet night in rather than a crazy night out.
  • no longer going for the budgetiest budget hotels.
  • feeling like you might no longer be faking being good at your job.
  • faking having a handle on parenting instead.
  • needing to sleep in a proper bed. this is 30
  • wondering if a house party when the baby will be sleeping upstairs was the best idea?
  • being thrilled about the colouring books you were gifted.
  • worrying about pensions and cholesterol.
  • thinking you should probably have learned to hold your drink by now.
  • realizing it has been 19 months since your last hair cut.
  • searching for overlooked old lady chin hairs.
  • being concerned about grey hairs on your head…and elsewhere.
  • being thankful for my family and where my life is at right now, despite all the other stuff 🙂


Friday Frolics

20 thoughts on “This is 30.

  1. Haha And now I feel weird saying that I deal with a lot of this at age 24. Thank you for reminding me that I’m aging too quickly. 😁


  2. doesn’t get much different at 40. I’d add that you start thinking more about cholesterol than price while looking at a menu


  3. Great post, couldn’t agree more with all of these. I always wonder about the house and baby upstairs thing, it’s whether it’s worth taking the risk of them waking up, I say if in doubt ship them out if you can 😀 #FridayFrolics


  4. Brilliant! Totally agree with all, especially the hangovers. In fact I now get a two day hangover just from having had a hangover. Bleuggh!! #3yearstilthebig40 #godhelpme

    Loving your blog! :0)

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