Want to Know About Free Will? Have a Baby.

Here’s a guest post from the lovely Becky over at Cuddle Fairy. Enjoy x

I’ve always been familiar with free will & known how it applies to me. I can use my discretion to do what I want. Woohoo! Well, I never gave the concept much thought beyond that…until I had babies.

Each of my three babies began exercising their flipping right to free will from the moment they arrived in the world.

The right not to eat, drink, poop (yup – that’s right!) or sleep.

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The old expression, you can lead a horse to water but cannot make it drink, is really driven home by having babies. No matter how much you want baby to do something – if they don’t want to, it’s not going to happen!

At one stage, I was spoon feeding my son liquids because he refused to drink from anything except my boob. My daughter is cutting her 2-year-old molars now & is having a hunger strike in protest.  She has even stopped eating her most favorite foods (not chocolate of course – that she’s ok with).  As a result, I’ve been trying to distract her with toys & sneak food into her mouth.  Yesterday, in order to avoid the spoon, she leaned herself over in the booster chair until she was horizontal with the floor.

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Of course, free will also works the other way. Baby chooses to give a loving hug & kiss, you can’t
force her to do those things.  They are the treasured gift of free will.

For all those times, you want to scream GO TO SLEEP! Or, JUST EAT YOUR DINNER! Remember, that pesky free will is also that wonderful thing that gives you loving moments with your child & makes them who they are, even if it makes you want to drown her in her ketchup sometimes.

Thanks so much for that, Becky. Good to know there’s a positive side to that nippy stubbornness. If you enjoyed this post go check out Becky’s blog or find her on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram or Google+.

Friday Frolics
The Dad Network

That Time My Daughter Mooned In Church

Today I am pleased to announce that we have a guest post from Claire over at http://homeschoolingcraftymama.blogspot.co.uk. I learned a valuable lesson about being a mother reading this one. Enjoy!
With 5 little ladies in tow and no partner to hold my hand, I headed to Wells for my God-son’s first Holy Communion.
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It all started well as my mother, my girls and I were able to sit at the very back of church, giving me an easy exit should I need to evacuate with a small, screaming Bean. I sat with my four smartly dressed girls and smugly congratulated myself on the monumental achievement of arriving in good time, with all children present and correct . Bean was fast asleep giving me a head start in the crowd control stakes. But my greatest achievement, or so I thought, was having managed to de-tangle that morning’s Coco Pops from Beeb’s hair. 
Being a Catholic church, we were graced with a great deal of pomp and circumstance. A very lovely, fascinating display of tradition but it was the hottest day of the year. I was sat snugly in a pew with 5 fidgety, clammy and frankly bemused darlings and my mother who was intent on spending the entire service totally unaware of the nose picking,  hair twiddling, toe nail nibbling granddaughters around her. I was, for the first time in the history of parenting, secretly elated to hear the once dreaded words…
‘ Mummy I need a wee’!
My daughter and I tiptoed quietly to the bathroom and took our time in the cool, spacious corridor before returning to the proceedings. Before re-entering the church I took one last calming breath of incense-free fresh air… goodness knows I needed it!!!

I should point out at this moment we had been gone less than 5 minutes… more like 3 in reality! ! That is less than 180 seconds. What could possibly go wrong in that time? My other girls were with my mother…

Somehow my service sheet had fallen on the floor and slid forwards under the feet of the row of parishioners in front. My seven year-old, Loulou had taken it upon herself to retrieve said item and in doing so had launched herself head first under the seat thinking nothing of the fact she was wearing a very pretty but rather short summer dress.
.The poor man next to her didn’t know where to look, less still how to help. But to be honest, I didn’t care. I was too busy basking in the relief that I had made sure everyone was wearing underwear this morning.
Yup, always check your kids are wearing underwear as you never know who they’ll moon and when. Thanks so much to Claire for taking part. If you enjoyed this post why not pop over to her blog or find her on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, or Google +.

Toddler Vs Poop

lo Here’s a fab guest post from Dancin Mama over at Dancing in the Rain, Musings About Motherhood about…poop :-). Enjoy!

Parenthood is by far the funniest thing I have ever experienced. I find that it’s pretty much a daily reminder not to take life too seriously, which brings us to today’s story.

I knew from the moment I found out I was having a boy that bodily functions and would be a big part of my life. What little boy doesn’t joke about boogers and poop? I was prepared for these things to pop up, I just didn’t think it would be this soon. J loves poop and boogers. He loves pointing out the cat’s and dog’s poopies, he loves telling you about his, and he even loves making poop jokes.

For instance, a few months back I caught J stuffing some unwanted food behind him in his chair. When I picked him up I asked him how it had gotten there, and he very seriously looked at me, pointed at his bottom, and said, “Poop.” Then he proceeded to laugh uncontrollably for a good minute. I’ll never forget that moment- it was adorable, terrifying and repulsive all at the same time.

So as you can tell, poop is often discussed at my house these days. Today after lunch, J told me he was pooping. (He gives you a play by play just to make sure you’re in the loop.) After he was done I removed the diaper, and I’ll spare you the details, but let’s just say this was more than a two wipe diaper. As I was cleaning it he grabbed a wipe himself to help, but missed with the wipe and before I knew it a poopy little hand was smearing excrement across the couch cushions.

You take it for granted that your children know not to wipe poop on the couch, but you know what? They don’t. So I clean off the couch with antibacterial soap and a rag, and explain to J that poop doesn’t go on the couch.


Thinking that the crisis had been dealt with I went into the bathroom to try and locate our diaper cream, which had mysteriously relocated itself. A few seconds later J followed me in to show me his fork. (It’s amazing what interests toddlers, isn’t it?) I ooh’d and ahh’d as is appropriate in such situations and went back to looking for the cream.

After finally locating it, I turned around victoriously, ready to cream and diaper that cute little tushie. Let’s just say my victory was short lived as I took in J leaning over the toilet. “Look Mommy, cooking.”


Let’s just say bath time came early today, and we will be buying some new cutlery.

Thanks for that, Sarah. I’m sure your next dinner guests will be relieved to hear about the new cutlery.If you enjoyed this why no pop over to Sarah’s blog or visit her on Facebook.

30 Excuses for Not Sleeping.

Today we have a guest post from the lovely Yvette over at Big Trouble in Little Nappies. We’ve been having a nightmare with the Baby’s sleeping recently, here’s an insight as to why…

I can see that in theory, when the room temperature is just so, the blinds are drawn and the appropriate gaps between naps have been reached; I should happily nod off.

However, as we are both aware, this often isn’t how it goes down. And you, I am guessing, want to know why.

So – here’s a whole bunch of reasons – pick your favourite.

1. I’m thinking of something funny that happened earlier.
2. I can’t get Baa Baa Black Sheep out of my head.
3. I was drifting off but a slight irregularity in your breathing threw me off kilter.

4. Someone is making a loud shrill sound.

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5. I’m counting the ways I’m more important than everyone else.
6. You have a bad singing voice.
7. I thought I needed to sneeze… I didn’t though.

8. I can’t decide what to dream about.
9. You put me down drowsy but awake. Idiot.
10. I can smell onions.
11. The lyrics to this Rock-a-Bye Baby warble are seriously sinister. Nightmare anyone?

12. Your arm is shaking slightly – almost like rocking is in some way uncomfortable?
13. Your desperation is palpable and putting me off.
14. Ditto your irritation which I can sense growing.

15. I’m suspicious that Bear is trying to take over my life.
16. Come to think of it, I’m not entirely trustful of the cot mobile, either.
17. I don’t need winding, but I’m thinking of that huge burp I did earlier – you know the one – and I’d like it recreated please.
18. Your stomach just rumbled.
19. I don’t like the pattern on my sleeping bag.
20. I think I would settle better with Daddy. If I’m already with Daddy, then I would settle better with Mummy.

21. I may need a poo. Wait… false alarm. It was just a big fart.

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22. Regarding that tune you sang earlier, how would one actually know they were happy – particularly enough to clap their hands?
23. I’ve heard from a reliable source that sleep is for losers.
24. I’m enjoying your company.

25. There is so much to do in this life, I just want to go out and live it!
26. I’m wondering why you pay all that money for baby yoga when 75% of it is spent feeding or shushing me.
27. I’m wishing I could wag my tail, and also that I had a tail.

28. I’m savouring the moment, you should try it sometime.
29. I’m not actually sure I’m tired. I’ll decide for definite after some more milk, yes?
30. I’ve had so much fun I don’t want the day to end. Or, I’m just being awkward.

Feel better now..? No..? Sheesh… I thought knowledge was power? Well dang and blast it but at least I tried.


Thanks for that, Yvette. I’m pretty sure this is what the Baby has been trying to tell me for weeks…if not months, sigh. If you enjoyed this why not head over to Big Trouble in Little Nappies and tell Yvette or follow her on Twitter or Facebook.

10 things people don’t tell you about the ‘close age gap’

Today  we have a hilarious post by Martha Mother warning us about having two children close together. Enjoy!

So, you’ve had a baby, it was messy, beautiful, painful, but life changing.
You sat back amongst milk soaked muslin cloths and empty packets of biscuits and thought ‘yeah I could totally do this all over again’ and so in the hormone ridden mess you are in, you jump back on that saddle (ahem) and get to making baby number two.
But here are 10 things from one that’s been there, I should probably let you know first.
1. You will time your day, not by clock, but by CBeebies. 
Yep, that tv/iPad/tablet will become your eldest’s surrogate mother. You will call on it any time the new baby cries, sleeps, needs to eat or generally just breathes.
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2. You will discover an even deeper meaning of the word guilt. 
Thought you felt bad first time round? Littlle John’s clothes don’t match? Little Sarah’s hair looks untidy? Let me tell you, with two tiny humans, your guilt will stretch to, little John hasn’t seen a park in just over 6 months and who knows what a toddler group is anymore? Because your children don’t.
3. The staring. 
Not from caring passers by asking if you need a hand carrying that enormous double Icandy pushchair up 6 flights of stairs. No, but from strangers, looking in horror at how you obviously had no self control around your husband and you haven’t yet ‘figured out what causes that’. Yes, I talk from experience. Helpful comments indeed.
4. You’ll make some of your mother friends feel crap. 
Your friend with one baby won’t feel like she can moan to you, about anything.
After all, you’ve popped out two children in the time it takes most to do their weekly shop.
They will praise you and say you make it look so easy, whilst secretly resenting you for making them feel like their toddler chucking peas all over the floor at dinner time, wasn’t actually something to have three bottles of wine over.
5. You will never wash. Ever. 
One you’ve heard before right? Well, once you have two very small people, attempting to shower, instead of it just being hard to fit the time in, instead becomes a fear of the toddler sitting on the babies head or trying to feed little John from their boobies ‘because mummy does it’.
6. You will forever need to buy two of everything. Exactly the same.
Don’t think you can buy that child a new top because all the others are stained and not buy the other child one, even though their wardrobe rivals Beyoncé. And the tops will have to be identical. Don’t try to pull ‘one’s a fairy one’s a unicorn’ rubbish here. It won’t work. They WILL fight over the same one. And you will wish you had listened to me.
7. You will loose all sense of personal space. 
When one child is occupied the other one will follow you like a woman follows a sign for Zara.  When you appease that child by handing them your bra to go play with, the other will undoubtedly become bored and start calling your name, looking round the house for you and follow you to the ends of the earth.
You can try to hide. It won’t work. Trust me.
This circle then continues until your partner gets home and you run for your car as if you don’t have just 5 minutes to yourself your about to start screaming like a child that’s being strapped into a pushchair. It won’t be pretty.
8. The arguing. 
As your two little cherubs grow, be prepared for the inaudible arguing that will ensue.
Will you have the faintest idea what they are yelling about? Hell no. Because they can’t speak yet. But one holding the other up against the wall clearly indicates something has gone down here, and judging by the Barbie doll with one leg missing and its head the other side of the room, you can bet it’s one of those times you wished you’d bought two…
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9. Copying everything the other one does. 
With two such small, impressionable little minds running around together, things are bound to rub off. Sarah doesn’t like carrots anymore? Well neither does John now. John takes a sudden dislike of anything that involves water or being washed in anyway? Well Sarah now has that phobia, ten fold.
So, imagine the pain of one child going through these phases. Then double it. That’s a close age gap for you.
10. The love. 
Aside from the public staring, the pushing, the fear of an A&E trip, there is a lot of love, and a lot of laughter.
They will soon learn to love each other so much that when one is busy at a friends or school, the other will cry and literally mourn their sibling, until they come home again.
And then probably smack them round the head when they walk through the door.
With the Barbie doll.
But hey, I did the close age gap twice. So it can’t be all that bad.
(Typed whilst sitting in my car).
I don’t know about you but I’m struggling to the image of a toddler trying to breast feed a baby out of my head. If you enjoyed this please swing by  Martha Mother and let her know or find her on Twitter.

“You’re Not Going Out Wearing That.”

I am proud to announce another guest post, this time from the gorgeous 21st Century Mama. I am obviously not the only mum to have had these thoughts…
“I’d like to know what happened to all the clothes since I had a baby (or two).
Baby weight gained – check, all 26kgs of the stuff
Baby weight lost – check, plus some excellent new arm muscles to boot
In possibly the best shape of my life, so why does every item of clothing I pick up look like it’s been made for a stripper.
My legs might now have muscles, and so not flap about when I walk, but do I really need to have to tuck in my knickers so that they are not on show in this seasons shorts (which are short shorts indeed).
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Does that luxurious and hideously expensive pencil skirt have to cling so tightly that even my smallest, thinnest knickers are going to have to be left at home, to avoid the “VPL”?
Even putting on a pre-pregnancy dress of my own, makes me feel like I’m going to start spinning round a pole. One time of putting the pram into the boot of the car and anyone behind me is getting a glorious view of my backside.
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Slightly concerned by these developments, and even more worried that I’d somehow always been really inappropriately dressed, I scour photographs of pre-baby me, to check I don’t have my bits on show for all to see.
It appears I am appropriately dressed on each photograph, including while dressed in the afore mentioned pre-pregnancy dress. It appears that it is not so much my body that has changed but my mind.
A switch has been flicked at some point during labour and delivery that has made me re-evaluate everything I’ve ever owned. Possibly my subconscious knows that, much sooner that I think, I’ll be uttering the words “you’re not going out wearing that while you live under my roof”
It appears that the mum gene has been well and truly activated…. leaving me with absolutely nothing to wear!”
A couple of guys catcalled me the other day and my first thought was, ‘I’m someone’s mum!’. The mum gene strikes again. If you enjoyed this post please pop over and say so at The 21st Century Mama, Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest.

The Horror of Being a Female Stereotype

I’m happy to announce that today we have a guest post from the lovely, talented Debbie, over at My Random Musings. I have no idea what Debbie looks like so I’ve drawn myself. Enjoy!
I’ve never been a girly girl – I hate shopping and I find it hard to drum up much excitement about all things pink and glittery.

Recently, someone even told me I think more like a man than a woman. In the context it was said, that I refused to use tears to manipulate a man into doing what I wanted, I took this as a compliment. I also deduced the person making the comment watched too many chick flicks, or really needed to get out more!

Imagine my horror then when I joined Pinterest and found myself starting a board entitled “Shoes I need in my life” and happily pinning away! Seriously, this board is like hard core shoe porn, and I love it!

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Have I found my inner Carrie Bradshaw? Am I going to start talking about this season’s must have lipstick shades? Am I *shudder* going to start shopping? For pleasure?
Hell no! What I am going to do is accept that we all have a little stereotype going on, and I’m ok with that. After all they wouldn’t be stereotypes if there wasn’t a little truth to them right?
Anyway I’ve got to dash, I just heard there’s a sale on Louboutins!



Ah, Pinterest. It does frightening things to even the best of us. If you enjoyed this please go over and checkout Debbie’s wonderful writing at My Random Musings. You can also catch her on Twitter, Instagram, Bloglovin’ and Pinterest.

Would you like to have a guest post on pooprainbows.com alongside my dodgy drawings? Check out Guest Posting for more details.

The ‘Three Weeks of Torture’ Diet

Here is a guest post from Sarah, over at Run Jump Scrap. I think she might be a bonefide mind reader or a stalker and I’m a little scared. She wrote exactly how I feel….


I’ve been a bit tired. Not just “having a baby tired” but generally tired. When I almost nodded off in front of OITNB I realized some serious action was needed.
The Baby is sleeping pretty well so what else could it be? Possibly the abundance of cake and sweet treats I keep stuffing into my mouth. Possibly. Okay, very likely.
The solution? Three weeks of torture. Three week of potential starvation. Three weeks of a grain-free, dairy-free, sugar-free diet. A potential bonus of this could be slipping into a smaller size dress and being able to buy a decent bra.

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How hard could this really be? I will have lots of lovely, healthy options to choose from. It’s not like I’m addicted to sugar. I can quite easily go 3 weeks without it. Three weeks without cake will be a walk in the park. I’m a teacher. I’m organized. I can plan my meals and I absolutely will not cave.
So far, so good. Whilst my wife and the baby scoffed a yummy cheese-filled quiche, I was quite happy to eat my Mexican chicken. Not once did I think about rugby tackling my wife, pinning her down and having a bite. That thought never entered my head and I do think I am feeling a bit less tired too so this may be working!
A week in and I’m twitching a bit. I think there may be some cake in the fridge. Possibly chocolate. Perhaps, if I wait until my wife is in bed I can creep downstairs and crawl to the fridge on my hands and knees. One lick of the icing doesn’t count, does it? A bit of sugar from icing is really the same as sugar from the 10kg of mangoes I ate earlier.
I slightly buckled. I couldn’t help it. A slice of bread with peanut butter has been consumed and it was heaven. Some random dietitian told me nuts were really healthy; full of protein and good fats and they would really fill me up. I felt really full; a bit sick actually. That may be because I ate half the jar with my finger.

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Anyway tomorrow is a new day and I can wipe the slate clean. I still have two weeks to go and I’ll do it. I have to as I’ve ordered a treat to celebrate when I’m done.

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Thanks to the amazing Sarah for the creepily accurate account of my first week dieting and all of the support and advice. Pop over and show her some love on her brilliant blog, twitter, facebook or google+.

If you’d like your words to appear here next to my dodgy cartoons check out the Guest Posting tab for more information.

Let's Talk Mommy
Super Busy Mum

The ‘Me Do It’ Toddler Rap by Motherhood: The Real Deal

Normally I wouldn’t embarrass my extremely white, suburban self by getting involved with rap. One Vanilla Ice type act per lifetime is plenty, in my opinion. But never fear, rap fans, for someone else is visiting to show us how it’s done.

I’m happy to announce our second guest post here on ‘My Kid Doesn’t Poop Rainbows…and other parenting realizations’. Today we welcome Tayla, from Motherhood: The Real Deal with her hilarious take on a toddler rap.


I basically need you to imagine that your toddler is a rapper from the Bronx, else this just ain’t gonna fly.

OK so are you channeling a Bronx rapper? Yes? Good, so let’s do this…

me do it 1

Yo yo listen up, I got something to say, Mummy and Daddy pass the mic my way..

I wanna do it all, and do it good, best nobody messes in my hood!


Putting on my nappy, making my own milk, sticking my finger down the plughole in the kitchen sink

Yeah I don’t care when enough is enough, I’m a badass toddler, and I’m hanging tough!


Hit the boom box mamma – boom bap boom boom boom bap


Tying up my shoes or I’ll scream the house down

Zipping up my coat or watch my smile turn to a frown

Closing the front gate til my hand gets jammed innit

Wiping my own butt because yeah…

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Hit the  boom box mamma – boom bap boom boom boom bap


Brushing my own teeth, coz who cares if they drop out?

Fastening every fastener, that my badself finds about

Yeah don’t try to mess, or a slap will come your way

Including when we cross the road, or you will pay!

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Hit the  boom box mamma – boom bap boom boom boom bap


Coz I don’t care if it’s messy, dangerous or rad

Me do it myself because I am bad!


Yeah….Take it to the bridge home mummy and daddy…uh, uh, yeah….


Thanks for that masterpiece, Tayla.

For more toddler related chuckles head over and check out the rest of the ‘Inside the Head of a Toddler’ series here, here and  here. You can also follow Tayla on Facebook or Twitter.

If you fancy seeing your words next to my dodgy drawings check out the Guest Posting info.

****If you enjoyed this I’d really appreciate your vote for the MAD Blogging Awards. Just click on the link, add your name and email and select Poop Rainbows in the ‘Baby’ category. Thank you!


MAD Blog Awards UK 2015
The Twinkle Diaries
The 21st Century Mama
Let's Talk Mommy

Imaginative Play Gone Wrong

This story was shared with us by a friend of the Mummy.

“Mummy, mummy! Look what I made. I did what you said and used my imagination!”

imagination doll

“Hmm? Yes, yes. Lovely, sweetie…..Hang on, what’s that on the top?!’

hair cut

If you enjoyed this I’d really appreciate your vote for the MAD Blogging Awards. Just click on the link, add your name and email and select Poop Rainbows in the ‘Baby’ category. Thank you!


MAD Blog Awards UK 2015

The Twinkle Diaries