The Three Stages of Baby Play Dates

You’ve given birth, got that little cherub in your arms and kind of figured out the sleeping, feeding, changing routine. Almost.

Now you are hankering after a little company. Company which can communicate in ways other than screaming at a variety of decibels. You consider contacting your besties from pre-sprog but dismiss that idea as a night down the pub isn’t really on the cards right now and your single mates probably don’t want to hear about that nappy which was a worrying shade of green.

What to do? Aha- arrange a play date with some other unfortunate individuals in the same poopy screaming, nightmare  situation as you are.

Stage One: 0-3 months.

stages of baby play dates-page-001

It took you two hours and a bag which weighs half your body weight but you’ve made it out the house. Chances are you are wearing splotches of bodily expulsions which are not your own and your hair and make-up were neglected when the baby started screaming but nevertheless you’ve escaped the confines of your living room. Congratulations.

At this stage your brain will be so fried with a combination of hormones and sleep deprivation that you will barely be able to make conversation but do try. Especially take advantage of those sacred minutes when your tiny tot falls asleep. Not being distracted by trying to feed/burp/comfort/change a newborn does wonders for your social skills. Use the time to share horror stories, swap concerns and ask advice from your fellow parent in the trenches.


Stage Two: 3-7 months.

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By this point you’ve mostly pulled yourself together. You’re remembering to arm yourself with breast pads and burp cloths more often so leaks and spit up stains are fewer and less spectacular. You’ve gotten better at leaving the house and although you’re still far from being on time you are edging a bit closer to being fashionably late.

Now play dates are a little more led by routine. It has taken you several months to craft some kind of a nap schedule and the idea of deviating from that sends shivers of fear running through you. Your baby is less likely to pitch an inexplicable screaming fit and will lie contentedly on his back or stomach for periods of time. This plus the fact your raging tempest of hormones has diminished into a gentle squall means you are often able to finish a sentence and, shock horror, may even be able to sustain a conversation which does not revolve solely around your little bundle of poonamis  joy. Enjoy it while you can though as chances are your tot will be quite vocal on the approach to his nap time and it will soon be time to high tail it out of there.

Stage Three: 7-14 months

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There’s a chance you might be bagging more than 4 hours sleep in a row and you’ve finally broken down and embraced the electronic babysitter so perhaps you managed to run a brush through your hair and slap on a little mascara before you left the house. A weaning baby means that you’ve gone backwards in the timekeeping stakes. A baby learning to chew, gag, spit out and throw food will not be rushed through meal times.

Play dates are not the relaxing events they used to be as your little one has discovered. (dun dun duuuuun) mobility. You now have to watch them like a hawk as they zero in and make a bee line for the one expensive and breakable item in an otherwise baby-proofed room. Conversations are often abandoned mid sentence as you realize your tot has disappeared from view or has broken into a much treasured board game. At this stage parents with babies of a similar age are the safest bet as they are probably used to and forgiving of these shenanigans. If nothing else think of the work out you’re getting, helping to combat the consumption of goodies which always happens at these events.

At this point you might attend the odd event involving older children and stare, in awe as their parents are mostly left in peace to finish their coffees and chat. Stay strong, my friend. Our time too shall come.

The Dad Network
My Random Musings

How to Throw a Great Kids Party

Recently a friend, who is an amazing mother of three, and her husband schooled me in how to throw an amazing kids birthday party.

She warned us before we attended that her family tended to go all out for birthdays and I began to feel worried. Really, when was the last time you truly enjoyed a kids party? Also, as a school teacher my idea of hell is spending another day surrounded by loads of kids hopped up on sugar and excitement. I started getting an eye twitch in the run up similar to my normal ‘November/December in a Kindergarten Class’ PTSD.

Turns out I was wrong. Really really wrong. This party was AH-MAZING for everyone who attended. So here are some tips I gleaned on how to throw a kids party that wont make all the adults want to put their fingers deep into their eye sockets and shoogle them around.

1. Pick an easy, flexible theme.

My friend’s daughter chose ‘Under the Sea’. Perfect. For the scrooges/insanely busy people who want minimal effort a surfer/beach bum ‘costume’ can be created from every day clothes. Little girls (or mums…or dads) can live out fantasies of being mermaids. First time and Pinteresting mums (like me) can get creative with a sewing kit. Everyone’s a winner.

fancy dress

2. Threaten people with dodgy headwear to ensure they don costumes.

under the sea party invitation

3. Make ridiculously strong cocktails.

I was half-cut just smelling my first blue margarita. It was also served in a dry-ice, smoking beer tower. ‘Nuf said.

4. Create a themed playlist which has adult and kid favorites intertwined.

The kids are boogying to tracks from ‘The Little Mermaid’ and in the next breath the adults are belting out ‘SAIL!” or drunkenly singing along to ‘Yellow Submarine’.

5. Organize games for the kids.

When the littles started getting rambunctious the games began. Water themed hilarity ensued, leaving the parents peace and quiet with their cocktails and free entertainment in the form of small children.

6. Fantastically cute, themed food.

Further ensure the parents are able to fully appreciate their cocktails by making the snacks so cute the kids eat without being forced and no attention is subtracted from the margaritas.

Under the sea party snacks

7. Ready a themed video that the kids haven’t seen before.

My friends chose a documentary about the ocean. The quickly tiring littles got a short period to recharge. The adults got more cocktail time.

8. Be awesomely enthusiastic, tireless and creative hosts.

Really this party was such a hit because of T. and J. I’m not convince anyone would look quite as good in a saucy mermaid costume as either of them or be able to be on the go, constantly for such a long period without breaking their smiles or hitting the sauce as hard as all the other adults present.

family under the sea costumes

T. and J. if you are reading this, lower your expectations for the first party of mine you attend. Seriously. Nope, lower than that. Still lower, keep going.

Friday Frolics

My baby has a better social life than me.

9.30 am





swimming lessons


5.42 pm



Thank god the Baby sleeps early. What have you been doing with your kids this weekend?




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The many personalities of play dates

We’ve been inducted into our first mummy circle and informal playgroup- yay! Huge relief for the Mummy as she’s waaaay tired of listening to me prattle on.

The second best thing, after swapping war stories with the mummies, is all the different babies who attend:

The Teeny Tiny 1 Month Old Baby.

newborn baby

Aw, so very cute and so very little! This baby spends most of his time snoozing away adorably, waking only to let go a few super cute mewling cries. His gorgeousness is almost enough to make you forget the hell of child birth and the torture of those many, many sleepless nights and want another. Almost…but not quite.

The 3 Month Old with the Fabulous Quiff.

3 month baby

What not to love about this blue-eyed cutie? Not only are you jealous of his gravity defying hairstyle and his piercing baby blues, but he’s also not able to move independently yet- score! Add to that the fact that this little cutie can take a nap right in the midst of a pack of screeching, crying, missile launching babies and you are almost ready to trade him for your own.

The 6 Month Old Chillax Baby.

6 month baby

This cute little dude doesn’t sweat the small stuff. Rolled over and can’t get back? Had your toy stolen by the Baby Who Doesn’t Poop Rainbows? Surrounded by a bunch of strangers and their spawn? Don’t sweat it, man! Just keep calm and giggle. These mummies are hoping his mere tranquil presence will take our baby down a few notches

The Almost a Year Independent Baby.

older baby

Zooming around at the speed of light is the older baby. You jealously watch as he zips about and plays independently. You marvel at his skills as he switches the TV on, finds his toys and, most importantly doesn’t put every little thing in his mouth. He has also mastered the art of ‘handling mummies’ with a few choice words, a ridiculously charming smile and full on cat adoration.

The Doesn’t Poop Rainbows Baby.

nervous baby

Your baby is showing his nerves, hanging close to his mummies, bar the occasional break for something forbidden. He’s a little put out at not being able to nibble on the other mums’ sushi, eat the books or maul the little babies lying so temptingly there on the floor. He hasn’t quite found his feet yet and the Mummy and the Mama are dreading the moment when he does.

What’s your favorite thing about play dates?


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Friday Frolics