How to Survive a Holiday with a Baby

Despite our mega-journey we actually had a lovely holiday in Spain. Here are some top tips I’ve garnered to help you make the most of your vacation with your horror.


1. Go self-catered.

This one was key for me. We stayed in a lovely villa with my parents and two of their friends. We had a fully equipped kitchen for me to prepare meals and snacks for the Baby. Jetlag plus the fact that the little guy is a touch high maintenance means he is not always on everyone else’s meal schedules, especially not the southern Spanish’s. I’d have hated rushing round trying to find somewhere open not full of smokers in the 8 and a half minutes we have between the Baby letting us know he’s hungry and a full meltdown ensuing.

We also had an outdoor eating area and portable highchair so he could throw three meals a day on the floor without any waiters glaring at me.

An added bonus was our villa came with it’s own pool. No getting up at the crack of dawn to grab a sunbed. No carrying three million things to take the baby swimming for 15 minutes and then trying to remember to take it all back again. Bliss. Plus the mummies could jump in for a quick swim and cheeky cocktail during mojito time nap time.

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We were lucky enough to have help with the accommodation from my parents  but house swapping and/or sharing a villa with friends is a great way to keep holiday costs down. Self catering is much cheaper than eating out for every meal for two weeks too.

2. Go with back up.

Lets face it, time spent with a one year old is not relaxing, and never will be. To combat this I recommend holidaying with other people who don’t yet know what spending hours and hours with a 1 year old is like. Top of my list would be grandparents who haven’t seen the baby for a few months and friends of a grandparent-ing age who don’t have grandchildren of their own and would like to borrow yours for a few hours. Gleefully hand him over and retreat inside for a siesta.

3. Go for a routine.

Ours came about naturally. He mostly had his meals at 7, 12 and 6. He napped around 9 and 1. He slept from 6.30-7.00pm. All these times were a little flexible and there were days where he missed naps but overall it made life easier. During the day at least. The little terror still hasn’t figured out sleeping through the night.

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4. Go out and about.

Loads of fun things to do and explore in a new place. All that stimulation is bound to wear out your tot and bring cocktail hour (aka bedtime) on a little faster.

5. Go for it.

We’ve put off going on holiday for ages as I thought it would just be a struggle but I really enjoyed myself. Might even consider another little trip in the next few months…if someone figures out teleportation by then.

 What are your tips for enjoying a holiday with kids?

The Dad Network

A Parenting Mystery

My knowledge and application of mathematics is shaky at best, I’ll freely admit,  so perhaps I am missing something key here which explains the seemingly inexplicable.

If I go into a shop and buy a slice of cake it costs, lets say for simplicity, 1 GBP. Then if I decided I wanted the whole cake, or eight slices I could expect it to cost 8 GBP or perhaps a little less as I am buying in bulk. I have never entered a shop which charged more for a slice of cake than the whole cake.

So can someone explain this to me?

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Why does something which uses a quarter of the materials cost 4 times as much? If you work in the clothing industry and would like to offer and explanation I’d be very interested to hear from you.

Sugar-Free Diet Insanity

A few days ago I decided to put myself on a sugar/dairy/grain free diet for a couple of weeks.

I’m a terrible calorie counter and I can’t cope with anything complicated or anything involving maths..or thinking (especially when I am hangry*). We’re pretty tight for cash so fancy paid plans weren’t going to work. Plus I used this diet to lose 3 stones in 6 month after University, which I didn’t gain back so I have a little faith in it.

The first few days are the hardest. I have written before about my snack addiction and it’s the sugar that I miss first. Especially when I have to watch the Mummy and the Baby scoffing something I can’t have (whilst silently cursing them and muttering under my breath).

I sit and fantasize about that Organix banana biscuit the Baby has tightly clutched in his fist. I want it soooo bad. It looks delicious and no one would need to know. I don’t think it even has sugar so it wouldn’t even be cheating…

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Don’t worry, I restrained myself. The Baby’s biscuit is safe…today.


How have you fared with diets? What the most effective/easiest one you’ve tried?

*hangry: When one has reached the point of hunger which has a negative effect on their mood and causes them to behave irrationally and with bouts of fury. Hungry/angry- hangry.

Friday Frolics

4 Easy Money Saving Hacks for Raising Kids.

I’m Scottish for all intents and purposes and the Mummy is tight-fisted careful with money by nature. Add to that the fact that my part-time teacher’s wage is our only source of income and you could safely say our baby raising budget is a bit more controlled than some. So here are our money saving tips for raising kids.

1. Newborns don’t need all that stuff.

The stores try to trick you into buying all sorts of crap. Guess what? You probably don’t need it. Our baby lived in onesie pjs with built in mitts for the first 8 weeks. Who the heck can tell when it’s not pajama time with a newborn? Plus it kept him warm and the built in mitts kept the razor sharp fingernails from making him look like he’d tried ling chi.

As for entertainment- use what ever you’ve got to hand. A fork twirled around with sound effect noises can be freaking fascinating. As can a pair of socks.

peepee teepee


I sh$% you not, this is a thing. $10 on amazon.

Parents- a wet wipe or wet cotton wool bud will keep that hose under control.

2. Hit up your mum friends and the 2nd hand stores/sites.

Little babies grow out of clothes and toys before they can really inflict much damage. Bouncy chairs, tummy time mats and clothes can be acquired for pennies. Your baby wont know if their the first person to wear that t-shirt or the 7th. Just ask my little brother.

ebay bidding

3. Forgo the expensive baby classes.

Learn some nursery rhymes, make your own baby-proof musical instruments (Tupperware and a wooden spoon, tighly closed bottle filled with rice), throw down a rug or a big play mat and invite some mummy friends and their spawn. You just saved yourself hundreds of pound/dollars and you don’t have to tolerate an instructor who seems to be mainlining sugar and forced joviality. Your kid doesn’t need professional support to drool and ignore you.

baby class instructor

4. Make your own baby food.

OK- I know I risk sounding a little Pinterest-y here. I’m not talking about making Disney characters out of broccoli, escargot and quinoa. I’m talking about making a big, balanced meal for your dinner then scraping half of it into the blender before you add salt or sugar. Et voila! Pop that mush in the freezer and you’re sorted for the week.

baby mush

And there you have it. I’ve just saved you hundreds of pounds/dollars. You can show your satisfaction by sending me a monetary reward or by nominating me for the BiBs (see below).

What are your money saving tips for raising kids?

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