6 Things My Baby Would Rather Do Than Nap

I’d leap at the chance to take a nap once a day, let alone twice. The Baby, however often has bigger things to be getting on with and doesn’t have time in his busy schedule to get some shut eye. Here’s a list of things the Baby thinks is more important than taking a nap:

  1. Holding a conference with two important clients.

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2. Finishing the beverage he refused to drink when it was offered by his ‘assistant’ five minutes before.

3. Exercising his lungs.

4. Finishing the 5* meal his ‘assistant’ prepared that he suggested was not quite up to standard earlier.

5. Attempting to retrieve his blanket which ‘somehow’ made it’s way outside of the crib.

6. Getting his daily 30 minutes of cardio.

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What busy things would your kids rather be doing than napping?

Friday Frolics
The Dad Network

Ten Commandments for Having a Toddler

  1. Thou shalt not take thine eyes off thy charge for one minute lest he becomest permanently disfigured.

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2. Thou shalt not be surprised if the meal thou hath slaved over is rejected without pause or hesitation.

3. Thou shalt not declare ‘My baby slept through the night’ as henceforth your baby shall never sleep through again.

4. Thou shalt not expect to arrive anywhere in a timely fashion.

5. Thou shalt not underestimate the power of teething.

6. Thou shalt not leave the house without a change bag, lest you tempt a poonami of biblical proportions.

7. Thou shalt not give the baby something important, like keys to play with and not watch him like a hawk.ten commandments for having a toddler-page-001-1

8. Thou shalt not do thine hair and makeup as this shall cause thy baby to projectile vomit all over you moments before you leave the house.

9. Thou must accept that it is no longer possible to simultaneously have a clean house, baby and self.

10. Thou must accept that every morn shall bring equal doses of joy and blood boiling fury when in proximity to a toddler.


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Friday Frolics

Things You Can Do with Food Other Than Eat It

Hold it in your hand for a really long time until it becomes soggy and disintegrates.

Sneak it to the dog when your mummy isn’t watching.

Rub it on the dirtiest surface you can find.

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Post it into a small nook or cranny.

Save it somewhere for later.

Chuck in on the floor.

Rub it in your hair.

Push it up your nose.

Store it up in your cheeks like a hamster then choke on it and regurgitate it all out again.

Push it under you so your mummy things you’ve eaten it all.

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Push a huge piece in your mouth, chew it then spit the whole thing out.



Let's Talk Mommy

Things My Kid Does to Antagonize Me

I’m sure there are some people out there who think I’m nuts. Surely there’s no way a one year old could have already figured out how to push my buttons. But he has, and with great effectiveness.

Here are a few examples of the Baby’s daily stunts which get my blood boiling:


Making sure he has my eye contact before doing something he knows he’s not supposed to.

Pretending he’s going to eat something then chucking it on the floor at the last moment.

Wailing for something to eat then promptly feeding it to the dog.

Gobbling up something one day then acting like we’re trying to poison him the next.

Being quiet for ages at nap time then screaming the minute I sit down.

Throwing something out of reach then screaming because he can’t reach it.

Asking to be picked up then freaking out when I try to pick him up.

Wanting to get in the bath and then crying because I put him in the bath.

Waiting until I’ve changed his nappy then coming to hang out near me to have a huge, stinky poo. Preferably while I’m eating.

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Waking up (relatively) late, eating all of a new, never tried before breakfast, playing nicely by himself, stopping his play to toddle over and give me a hug- just when I’m about to publish this post so I feel like a monster who doesn’t deserve such a sweet, loving, well behaved little boy. Sigh.



Running in Lavender
My Random Musings

The Skype Generation

We live a 17+ hour flight(s) from my parents and a 9 hour drive from the Mummy’s. I love that we’re able to Skype with both sets of grandparents. The Baby gets really excited to show off his new tricks and enjoys interacting with people through the computer and phone. It’s great that we can stay connected from so far away.

We don’t have cable or satellite TV at home and the Mummy and I try not to watch anything which isn’t baby friendly when the baby is awake. Partly because we’re trying to be good parents but mostly because we can’t concentrate when he’s demanding our attention. This basically means the only TV the Baby has seen involved cartoons or animations.

When the bombs went off in the city center this week the Mummy streamed Thai news through the computer. The Baby immediately rushed over to see who was the relative in the TV, ready to sing to him and play with him. He reached out to high five and waved at the newscaster and was quite put out when she didn’t stop to applaud his skills.

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Figuring out the whole world doesn’t revolve around you is a tough realization, I guess.



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Friday Frolics

Soft Play Makes Me Feel Like a Good Mum

Soft play venues are one of my favourite places to take the baby. Why? Partly because I’m a big kid who’s never really grown out of them and also because they make me feel like I am a good mum.

Here are some reasons why:

  • With the average year round temperature a sweaty, humid 30 something we don’t get out to the park as often as we should. Soft play is one of the few places other than our house the Baby can test out his increasing mobility.


  • If you go to a busy soft play there is always that one kid acting out making your kids transgressions fade into the background.


  • I have no nice clothes, hairstyles or makeup to speak of so I am happy to go and roll around in the ball pool with the Baby or go down the slide umpteen times.


  • I love watching the Baby learn to negotiate obstacles without worrying he’ll split his head open on our floor tiles.


  • Every time the Baby gets a little bit bolder when exploring but still hightails it back into my arms at the slightest uncertainty.


  • I am the cool grown up that teaches the big kids how to use the air fired ball gun.


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Lets brag a little. What do you do that makes you feel like a good mum?

Let's Talk Mommy
Best of Worst

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The Three Stages of Baby Play Dates

You’ve given birth, got that little cherub in your arms and kind of figured out the sleeping, feeding, changing routine. Almost.

Now you are hankering after a little company. Company which can communicate in ways other than screaming at a variety of decibels. You consider contacting your besties from pre-sprog but dismiss that idea as a night down the pub isn’t really on the cards right now and your single mates probably don’t want to hear about that nappy which was a worrying shade of green.

What to do? Aha- arrange a play date with some other unfortunate individuals in the same poopy screaming, nightmare  situation as you are.

Stage One: 0-3 months.

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It took you two hours and a bag which weighs half your body weight but you’ve made it out the house. Chances are you are wearing splotches of bodily expulsions which are not your own and your hair and make-up were neglected when the baby started screaming but nevertheless you’ve escaped the confines of your living room. Congratulations.

At this stage your brain will be so fried with a combination of hormones and sleep deprivation that you will barely be able to make conversation but do try. Especially take advantage of those sacred minutes when your tiny tot falls asleep. Not being distracted by trying to feed/burp/comfort/change a newborn does wonders for your social skills. Use the time to share horror stories, swap concerns and ask advice from your fellow parent in the trenches.


Stage Two: 3-7 months.

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By this point you’ve mostly pulled yourself together. You’re remembering to arm yourself with breast pads and burp cloths more often so leaks and spit up stains are fewer and less spectacular. You’ve gotten better at leaving the house and although you’re still far from being on time you are edging a bit closer to being fashionably late.

Now play dates are a little more led by routine. It has taken you several months to craft some kind of a nap schedule and the idea of deviating from that sends shivers of fear running through you. Your baby is less likely to pitch an inexplicable screaming fit and will lie contentedly on his back or stomach for periods of time. This plus the fact your raging tempest of hormones has diminished into a gentle squall means you are often able to finish a sentence and, shock horror, may even be able to sustain a conversation which does not revolve solely around your little bundle of poonamis  joy. Enjoy it while you can though as chances are your tot will be quite vocal on the approach to his nap time and it will soon be time to high tail it out of there.

Stage Three: 7-14 months

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There’s a chance you might be bagging more than 4 hours sleep in a row and you’ve finally broken down and embraced the electronic babysitter so perhaps you managed to run a brush through your hair and slap on a little mascara before you left the house. A weaning baby means that you’ve gone backwards in the timekeeping stakes. A baby learning to chew, gag, spit out and throw food will not be rushed through meal times.

Play dates are not the relaxing events they used to be as your little one has discovered. (dun dun duuuuun) mobility. You now have to watch them like a hawk as they zero in and make a bee line for the one expensive and breakable item in an otherwise baby-proofed room. Conversations are often abandoned mid sentence as you realize your tot has disappeared from view or has broken into a much treasured board game. At this stage parents with babies of a similar age are the safest bet as they are probably used to and forgiving of these shenanigans. If nothing else think of the work out you’re getting, helping to combat the consumption of goodies which always happens at these events.

At this point you might attend the odd event involving older children and stare, in awe as their parents are mostly left in peace to finish their coffees and chat. Stay strong, my friend. Our time too shall come.

The Dad Network
My Random Musings

Almost Toddling

The Baby is getting closer and closer to walking (help). His favorite past time of an evening is to walk a few steps between the Mummy and I, over and over.

He’s inconsistent but getting better. His biggest issue is he hasn’t yet figured out that he goes where his eyes are looking. So if he looks at the floor…

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Sorry, Baby. I’ll try to catch you before you nosedive into the play mat next time.

Friday Frolics

6 Reasons Why Having a One Year Old Rocks

As you might already know the Baby recently turned one. We all survived the first year- hooray!

Here’s a few reasons why having a one-year-old rocks:

He can do stuff.

He’s no longer a mewling, potato-like newborn, only crying, sleeping, eating and pooping. Now he is a little more fun as he can move and bust out new tricks like waving, answering ‘Who’s the cutest one?’ and, most recently the wai.

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He can’t do that much.

He can’t yet drop me in it by telling the neighbors what Mama thinks of them. He’s not walking so we don’t have to chase him. He’s not dropping f-bombs at inopportune moments. He doesn’t know what an advert is or how to ask for stuff.

We don’t have to sterilize everything.

We were still sterilizing bottles until my mum pointed out he is regularly to be seen licking the floor….or worse.

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His toys are more fun.

There’s only so long I can feign interest in a squeaky giraffe. Balls, cars and lego? Now we’re talking. I could be happy for hours. Playing with the Baby, of course.

He doesn’t feel so breakable.

Thank heavens as he has so sense of self preservation.

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My silliness makes him giggle.

I’m sure there will come a time in the not so distant future when my dance moves will make him wish he could disappear so for now I shall enjoy being his personal entertainer.

Which was your favorite kid age?

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Let's Talk Mommy