Bikini Bod

Well, that’s it. I’ve done my almost three weeks of the no dairy/grain/sugar diet. It’s over, phew.

I wasn’t perfect. There may have been a few ‘whoopsie’ moments involving jaffa cakes, falafels and possible even a doughnut but all and all I didn’t do too badly.

And the verdict?

What I like about this diet is that it is uncomplicated. I feel free to stuff my face with meat, fruit or veg and so I don’t have to worry about counting or weighing. I found it quite easy to eat out on as there is normally an meat and veg option, I just either change the grain sides or leave them.

The downside is that it is very restrictive and, if you’re anything like me there will be moments where you falter. I’m guessing it’s also probably not very good for me in the long term or sustainable for long term weight control. The good news is my buddy Sarah’s going to help me fix my diet after I’m done binging in Spain :-).

I did it though and I achieved what I wanted to. For three weeks I no longer felt like I’d been hit by a truck come mid-afternoon which tells me clearly all the junk I was eating was affecting my energy levels. I also lost a whopping 3 kg/ 6.6lbs in three weeks which means I can don my bikini this weekend feeling like this:

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When in reality I look a little more like this:

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So now, in true me style I’m off to celebrate my new slimmer figure by eating a ton and drinking loads of beer on holiday- yay!

In the next two weeks there will still be daily posts but I’ll be a little less present and a little slower and replying to all you lovely people’s comments, apologies. A few lovely bloggers are freeing me up a little by doing some fantastic guest posts. Be sure to swing by, check them out and leave them some comment love.

Hasta pronto, amigos!

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Friday Frolics

Dairy/Sugar/Grain-free: One Week In

It has been 7 days. 7 days and I’m kind of used to the absence of sugar but right now I’d give my right arm for some pizza.

It’s not made any easier when I preparing the Baby’s breakfast- lovely fresh, seedy bread with soft Philadelphia. Mmmmmm….

Ahem, anyway, the Baby has this cute thing where he tries to feed us. Sometimes it is a little less cute in that he is trying to feed us something which was being swirled around inside his mouth moments before.

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The look on my face is not horror at being offered a moist, partially digested piece of bread and cream cheese. My horror is due to the fact I was really tempted to gobble that little morsel right up.

Send help….and by help I mean pizza.

Running in Lavender

Sugar-Free Diet Insanity

A few days ago I decided to put myself on a sugar/dairy/grain free diet for a couple of weeks.

I’m a terrible calorie counter and I can’t cope with anything complicated or anything involving maths..or thinking (especially when I am hangry*). We’re pretty tight for cash so fancy paid plans weren’t going to work. Plus I used this diet to lose 3 stones in 6 month after University, which I didn’t gain back so I have a little faith in it.

The first few days are the hardest. I have written before about my snack addiction and it’s the sugar that I miss first. Especially when I have to watch the Mummy and the Baby scoffing something I can’t have (whilst silently cursing them and muttering under my breath).

I sit and fantasize about that Organix banana biscuit the Baby has tightly clutched in his fist. I want it soooo bad. It looks delicious and no one would need to know. I don’t think it even has sugar so it wouldn’t even be cheating…

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Don’t worry, I restrained myself. The Baby’s biscuit is safe…today.


How have you fared with diets? What the most effective/easiest one you’ve tried?

*hangry: When one has reached the point of hunger which has a negative effect on their mood and causes them to behave irrationally and with bouts of fury. Hungry/angry- hangry.

Friday Frolics

The ‘Three Weeks of Torture’ Diet

Here is a guest post from Sarah, over at Run Jump Scrap. I think she might be a bonefide mind reader or a stalker and I’m a little scared. She wrote exactly how I feel….


I’ve been a bit tired. Not just “having a baby tired” but generally tired. When I almost nodded off in front of OITNB I realized some serious action was needed.
The Baby is sleeping pretty well so what else could it be? Possibly the abundance of cake and sweet treats I keep stuffing into my mouth. Possibly. Okay, very likely.
The solution? Three weeks of torture. Three week of potential starvation. Three weeks of a grain-free, dairy-free, sugar-free diet. A potential bonus of this could be slipping into a smaller size dress and being able to buy a decent bra.

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How hard could this really be? I will have lots of lovely, healthy options to choose from. It’s not like I’m addicted to sugar. I can quite easily go 3 weeks without it. Three weeks without cake will be a walk in the park. I’m a teacher. I’m organized. I can plan my meals and I absolutely will not cave.
So far, so good. Whilst my wife and the baby scoffed a yummy cheese-filled quiche, I was quite happy to eat my Mexican chicken. Not once did I think about rugby tackling my wife, pinning her down and having a bite. That thought never entered my head and I do think I am feeling a bit less tired too so this may be working!
A week in and I’m twitching a bit. I think there may be some cake in the fridge. Possibly chocolate. Perhaps, if I wait until my wife is in bed I can creep downstairs and crawl to the fridge on my hands and knees. One lick of the icing doesn’t count, does it? A bit of sugar from icing is really the same as sugar from the 10kg of mangoes I ate earlier.
I slightly buckled. I couldn’t help it. A slice of bread with peanut butter has been consumed and it was heaven. Some random dietitian told me nuts were really healthy; full of protein and good fats and they would really fill me up. I felt really full; a bit sick actually. That may be because I ate half the jar with my finger.

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Anyway tomorrow is a new day and I can wipe the slate clean. I still have two weeks to go and I’ll do it. I have to as I’ve ordered a treat to celebrate when I’m done.

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Thanks to the amazing Sarah for the creepily accurate account of my first week dieting and all of the support and advice. Pop over and show her some love on her brilliant blog, twitter, facebook or google+.

If you’d like your words to appear here next to my dodgy cartoons check out the Guest Posting tab for more information.

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