Nappy Changing Wars


Since the introduction of a range of solids into the Baby’s diet his nappies have gone from unpleasant to ‘for the love of…! What in the…?!’.

It’s not nice for us and it can’t be nice for him. We at least can cross the room. The smell of hospital food teamed with rotten garbage with a side of dead animal follows the poor boy. So you’d think that he would be pleased that we sacrifice our noses and appetites in order to change his smelly butt. You’d be wrong.

Thankfully the days of having to worry about what his hose penisĀ is up to seem to be behind us. As are the days of never ending magma poop the minute his nappy is removed. Honestly though, I’d return to those days to escape the nappy changing wars we have now.

We have a comfy, padded changing mat that was bought (by Grandma) from a fancy branded store. We even offer him some normally forbidden not-toy in an effort to occupy him. Regardless he will not lie on his back for longer than 15 seconds. If anyone is able to get into all the nooks and crannies and pick the dry, undigested pieces of food off his butt cheeks in that time period I’d love to know how. Seriously.

After 15 seconds he tries to spin and I try to stop him so he doesn’t spread poop EVERYWHERE. Then we wind up like this:

nappy change position

Seriously, help.


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