The Baby’s Inadvertent Warning Alarm

You know when you see parent with their kids on one of those backpack leashes? Or when you’re being driven mad by the kid in the airport running around in the squeaky shoes? Those clever parents have used those tools for a reason. To avoid their tots doing what kids do best: getting into trouble.

We’ve baby-proofed as best we can for the moment. Somethings, however cannot be removed or made completely baby-friendly. I am now regretting the floor lamps- for example. And the Dog, with her highly chewable feet and her licky ways.

The bad news is the Baby is still at the soldier-crawl stage and not yet ready for the aforementioned trouble prevention tools. The good news is the Baby has come with his own, inbuilt trouble alert-er.

When the Baby spots something he shouldn’t have or decides to do something he shouldn’t do he gets excited and emits a little giggle as he races towards said forbidden object. This giggle is particular to this activity. It is heard and responded to by the mummies from up to 500 yards away, through nursery rhymes and thunder. I’m pretty sure it has prevented some trips to Accident and Emergency.

Please don’t get better at being naughty, Baby. The mummies need their early warning system!


Does your kid have an accidental way of letting you know they’re up to something?

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