Parenting Contradictions

I don’t know about you guys but I find parenting offers way too many contradictions. For example:

  • You spend the whole day wishing your newborn would fall asleep and then when they do, you miss them.
  • You can’t wait for your baby to grow out of whatever nightmare phase is plaguing you at the moment and then you feel sad that they’re growing up so fast.
  • You spend weeks desperately looking forward to Date Night and then spend the whole evening either checking on the baby or talking about the baby.

babysitter messages

  • One website tells you Cry it Out will scar your children for life. Another tells you co-sleeping will. Same for vaccinations, fluoride, weaning, schooling and pretty much any important parenting decision you need to make.
  • Your baby loves to eat banana. Except when he doesn’t.
  • Your baby always sleeps at 9am. Except for the day when you need him to, then he’ll sleep at 8.
  • Your baby always sleeps for less than one hour and a half. Except when you’re waiting to go somewhere. Then he’ll sleep for two or more.
  • Your baby always goes to sleep without crying. Except when you have people round. Then he wails for ages.
  • They drive you up the wall and you fondly remember life before kids. Then they do something, your heart melts and you can’t imagine life without them.

too much weighttoo little weight

Seriously. Seriously? No wonder this gig is so stressful!

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