The many personalities of play dates

We’ve been inducted into our first mummy circle and informal playgroup- yay! Huge relief for the Mummy as she’s waaaay tired of listening to me prattle on.

The second best thing, after swapping war stories with the mummies, is all the different babies who attend:

The Teeny Tiny 1 Month Old Baby.

newborn baby

Aw, so very cute and so very little! This baby spends most of his time snoozing away adorably, waking only to let go a few super cute mewling cries. His gorgeousness is almost enough to make you forget the hell of child birth and the torture of those many, many sleepless nights and want another. Almost…but not quite.

The 3 Month Old with the Fabulous Quiff.

3 month baby

What not to love about this blue-eyed cutie? Not only are you jealous of his gravity defying hairstyle and his piercing baby blues, but he’s also not able to move independently yet- score! Add to that the fact that this little cutie can take a nap right in the midst of a pack of screeching, crying, missile launching babies and you are almost ready to trade him for your own.

The 6 Month Old Chillax Baby.

6 month baby

This cute little dude doesn’t sweat the small stuff. Rolled over and can’t get back? Had your toy stolen by the Baby Who Doesn’t Poop Rainbows? Surrounded by a bunch of strangers and their spawn? Don’t sweat it, man! Just keep calm and giggle. These mummies are hoping his mere tranquil presence will take our baby down a few notches

The Almost a Year Independent Baby.

older baby

Zooming around at the speed of light is the older baby. You jealously watch as he zips about and plays independently. You marvel at his skills as he switches the TV on, finds his toys and, most importantly doesn’t put every little thing in his mouth. He has also mastered the art of ‘handling mummies’ with a few choice words, a ridiculously charming smile and full on cat adoration.

The Doesn’t Poop Rainbows Baby.

nervous baby

Your baby is showing his nerves, hanging close to his mummies, bar the occasional break for something forbidden. He’s a little put out at not being able to nibble on the other mums’ sushi, eat the books or maul the little babies lying so temptingly there on the floor. He hasn’t quite found his feet yet and the Mummy and the Mama are dreading the moment when he does.

What’s your favorite thing about play dates?


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Friday Frolics