The Magic of Shark Week

AKA: Having my period

shark week

Shark week is a magical time.


Eating salad and fruit turns into eating pizza and chocolate.

Going swimming turns into lying on the sofa watching TV.

Drinking water turns into drinking beer.

Being medication-free turns into guzzling aspirin by the fistful.

Bouncing out of bed in the morning turns into dragging an achy, unforgiving body into the shower.

Nice and friendly turns into cursing with a side of sarcasm.

Smooth skin turns into teenage, volcanic, pus spewing craters.

Forgiving, generous driving turns into racing, expletives and inappropriate hand gestures.

Yeah. Very effing magical.

Friday Frolics
The Dad Network

My Baby Has PMS


You know when it’s nearing that time of the month and you find yourself crying over adverts? Or when you can’t find a parking space? Or when you run out of chocolate?

How about when something is so funny you laugh until you cry but then those tears morph into ugly sobbing but you have no idea why?

The Baby has been treating us to some great giggles recently. His mother’s comedic wit and originality, doing things like saying his name or bouncing a ball elicits laughter verging on hysteria. There is no set formula. Often what works one day will be met with a condescending look the next. The hilarity may ensue for anywhere between two minutes and twenty.

baby laughing

It’s cute and lovely. But then the PMS raises its ugly head and he starts crying out of nowhere. What in the what what?

baby cry

Previously cherished toys encourage sobbing when offered. Funny stories have him speaking Whinese. Singing prolongs the agony (although with my singing that may be for another reason)

What do you do for a PMSing 10 month old?

Um… ice cream, chocolate, weepy movie, Glee, Friends, pizza, crisps more Cheerios?

Have you nominated anyone for the MADS awards yet? I’d love your vote under the Baby section. You just need your email address and my webpage address. Takes two minutes and gives me a warm glowy feeling. Thank you!

Tots100 MAD Blog Awards
