How to finish a hot coffee in the presence of a baby.

The title of this post might sound like an impossibility to you if you have young children. How many times have you made yourself a much needed caffeine hit, put it up high out of reach of the baby and forgotten about it?

Have you ever opened the microwave to reheat your coffee only to find a yesterdays forgotten mug still in there?

I may have the answer. The Mighty Mug.

This clever mug is designed to keep your hot drinks hot and your cold drinks cold. This morning I made my coffee and tried to drink it whilst feeding the baby, dealing with a pretty horrific dirty nappy, feeding the dog, letting the dog out, yelling at the dog to get back in, playing cars, shutting my ears to high pitched shrieks while retrieving a car which had gone astray, checking Twitter and joining a linky. My last mouthful of coffee was still really warm!

Even better is this mug is designed to be leak proof and the outside doesn’t get too hot. The lid takes a bit of force to open so I don’t have to worry about hiding it on a shelf up high where I’ll forget about it.

But this is the part which blows my mind- this mug can’t be knocked over yet still lifts to drink like a normal mug. What in the what what?!

When it first arrived I was worried it was a suction mug. We’ve tried suction bowls for the Baby in the past with disastrous consequences. He sees the suction as a personal challenge to his strength and will not rest until it has been wrenched from whence it was placed.

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The Mighty Mug is not a suction mug. The Baby can lift it easily so there is no challenge but if he bumps it, it wobbles but doesn’t fall.

If the Mummy is not around and I get brave enough to hit a spider with something you better believe I smash the heck out of that creature of nightmares to make sure it’s good and dead. The Might Mug didn’t tip even when I hit it with spider killing force. We rolled cars and balls into it. The Baby knocked it with his knees. Even the Dog had a go. The Mighty Mug remained strong.

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I’ve no idea how it works but it does and it is fantastic. Check out this clip to see what I mean.


  • Leakproof lid
  • Car cup holder friendly
  • Dishwasher safe
  • BPA free
  • 100% happiness guaranteed
  • Sign up for the newsletter at for a 20% discount


I was sent this mug in exchange for this review but all opinions are my own.



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