Baby Swimming

The Baby likes the water, which is a relief as when the temperature hits the 30 oC with 100% humidity, the pool is the only outdoor venue you’ll find me in.

We have been taking the Baby swimming for months, at least once or twice a week. Recently he’s really been getting confident.

baby splash swimming


In the bath, paddling pool or when we sneak into my school pool at the weekends, he splashes and kicks, giggling. If his goal is to get the mummies drenched he achieves it.

baby kick swim


But when we take him to his (ridiculously expensive 14 GBP a 30 min class) swimming lessons, does he show off his splashing skills? Does he kick his legs when asked? Does he lie down on this back? Does he heck.

shy swimming baby


Every. Flipping. Lesson.



Do you take your kids to baby classes?  Which ones? Do you think they’re worth it?

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