Talking to threenagers.

I teach English in a school in Thailand part time. I almost never teach native English speaking children. Sometimes I am teaching very young children their third language.

Often I find myself in situations like this:

nonsense 1

I think to myself, ‘Hmm. Pretty sure that’s not Thai, Spanish, French, Dutch, German or English….’


nonsense 2

‘Yep. Still got no idea. ‘ I look around for inspiration. Zilch.

dont understant!!!!

‘Uh oh. This isn’t looking good. The p-ed off expression is heading toward a melt down expression. Think fast!’


student happy

‘Phew, that did it. Crisis averted. Still got no idea what she was trying to say.’



Ever have any problems figuring out what kids are trying to tell you?

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Help me get over my high school unpopularity issues. 

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